I am making dinner, a moment’s attention diverted from observing N &E.
Enter into the hall. A flood. Jars, scraps of paper, the unruly effects of un-contained water. Little people, delighted.
Moments later, I am cleaning up after dinner. Enter sunroom. N& E have the tub of vaseline and are gleefully smoothing it over their legs (wegs).
DB outside on the grass, “I just weed in on my shorts!”
N looking on in awe
“I need to wee outside!”
Seconds later
“Mum! This is wet!”
E up to something in the garage, constructive no doubt!
No he is weeing too, no doubt on his shorts.
“Mum, these are wet!”
N is naked
“Mum is it windy enough to fly a kite? “
Me- “No it’s not windy”
It’s blissfully sunny and I can hear the waves lapping on the shore, a reminder of our little idyllic islanded state in the universe.
Val and Min are playing.
DB found treasure in the garage. The hunt has escalated.
E in a funk about not finding summer pants.
“Mum, can I have shorts in bed?”
Peace little demigod you have all you need
He stands up on a chair outside and shakes his little fists in rage
N to E
“stop hitting your Mum”
DB found further treasure: A box of buttons.
Three little gods squatting on the tarmac designing a new world.
N “Can we?”
Me “Yes’
N “Thank you!”
Then E wees into the new world and floods it all.